Welcome to the PACU:

All Wales Multidisciplinary Teaching Programme

Whether you work directly within the postoperative care unit at your hospital or have a special interest in the patient’s perioperative pathway, we are really excited to introduce this modular tool which you can work through in your own time.  

We advise taking a bit of time at the beginning of the programme to orientate yourself around this website.
You will find that the introductory module can be easily accessed and should give you a broad overview of what to expect and introduce the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU).

 The following 13 modules are password-protected. You should have received a password to access these modules in your welcome pack.
If not, please email, pacuwales@gmail.com for further help.

We hope that you enjoy the course and find it relevant and interesting
We welcome all feedback to help us improve and support you as practitioners!

The Modules

We've organised the teaching into small bite-size chunks according to four areas.
Click on the images to access them!

Do get in touch

Let us know what you think of the course - by getting in touch with the Perioperative Medicine Team supporting the programme.